F1 Savannah Cat: Ethical Hybrid Kitten Breeder, Care Guide & Size


F1 Savannah Cat: Ethical Hybrid Kitten Breeder, Care Guide & Size

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Healthy & Loved Guaranteed, our cats are our family❤

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What is a African Savannah cat?

What is a African Savannah cat?

Savannah Cats: A Unique and Exotic Breed

  • African Savannah cats are a hybrid domestic cat breed created by crossing a domestic cat with a wild African Serval. These striking cats are known for their spotted coats, large ears, and tall, lean builds. They are the largest domestic cat breed and can be among the most expensive pets.

Savannah Cats are Water Lovers

  • Unlike many domestic cats, African Savannah cats have a fascination with water. They might join you in the shower, play with faucets, or even enjoy swimming. This unusual trait adds to their unique charm.

Savannah Cats: Practical and Playful

  • African Savannah cats possess a delightful balance of affectionate companionship and the independent spirit typical of cats. They form deep bonds with their owners while maintaining a sense of playful self-sufficiency. These cats are exceptionally intelligent, constantly purring, and known for their high energy levels, ability to play fetch, and trainability.

Savannah Cat Generations: Understanding the Differences

  • African Savannah cats are classified into generations based on their percentage of Serval ancestry. The first-generation cross (F1) has the highest percentage of Serval blood. Subsequent generations (F2, F3, etc.) are produced by breeding Servals back to lower-generation Savannahs. The closer a Savannah cat is to its wild Serval ancestor, the more likely it is to exhibit those distinctive "wild cat" traits.

Available F1 savannah Kittens


Available F1 savannah Kittens

We made this video for potential new adopters looking to buy a exotic african savannah cat, please listen and it should answer most of your questions!

How much do real f1 savannah kittens cost?

F1 Savannah Cat Pricing Information

Cost Graph of F1 Savannah Kittens vs other serval cats
  • F1 Savannah Kittens cost $15,000 to $20,000.

  • F2 Savannah Kittens cost $5,000 to $10,000 based on likeness to the serval.

Factors Affecting F1 Savannah Cat Prices:

  • Breeder Reputation: Reputable breeders with a history of breeding healthy, well-socialized Savannah cats tend to charge more due to their expertise and the quality of their lines.

  • Pedigree: Kittens with a strong Serval lineage (closer to the first generation) will command higher prices.

  • Geographic Location: The cost of living and demand for Savannah cats in a particular area can affect the price.

Additional Considerations:

  • Early Generation Savannahs (F2, F3): While less expensive than F1s, early generations may still have prices similar to late-generation cats depending on how closely they resemble the Serval.

  • Desexing: Some breeders may include the cost of spaying or neutering in the kitten's price.

  • Ongoing Costs: Factor in the costs of specialized food, veterinary care (Savannahs may require specialized vets), and potential needs like larger enclosures or secure outdoor areas.

Important Note: Always research breeders carefully before considering purchasing a Savannah cat. Ensure they prioritize the health and well-being of their animals and that you are prepared for the financial commitment.

Follow Us On Instagram to see current availability on african Savannah Cats for Sale! Hand delivery to all states & Canada!

We offer free consultations by phone, health certificate , health records,
X-ray records and TICA registration for all of our Savannah kittens - all with no deposit required.

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health records of savannah cat
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TICA Registration of savannah cats


  • Be careful when purchasing a savannah cat from any exotic cat breeder selling you a kitten neutered before 6 months.

Watch a video about our story

  • Our kittens are genuine F1’s and we are happy to show you what makes them so!

Our Testimonials

Why are they so expensive?

Raising F1 Savannah Cats, Explaining Difficulties of Raising F1 Cats, and a graphic showing it

Difficulty Breeding F1 Savannah Cats

  • Besides of the difficulty of keeping a serval and there’s no guarantee an F1 Savannah Cat would even mate with 3 large female lower generation savannah’s even if raised together.

  • We would be lucky to have one litter a year.

  • Breeding F1 Savannahs presents unique challenges. Servals require specialized care and can exhibit unpredictable temperament. Even when raised together, there's no guarantee of successful mating between a male Serval and female Savannahs.

  • Additionally, Servals often have specific breeding seasons, and their litters tend to be smaller than those of domestic cats. These factors significantly limit the availability of F1 Savannah kittens.

Challenges of Raising F1 Savannah Kittens

  • Raising well-socialized F1 Savannah kittens requires significant dedication.

  • Intensive socialization from a young age is crucial to promote a gentle temperament.

  • Their needs often exceed those of typical domestic cats, including larger enclosures, ample stimulation, and potentially specialized diets.

  • Finding responsible owners who fully understand the commitment and rewards of owning an F1 Savannah is a crucial aspect of the process.

What is phase 2?

What is phase 2 for Savannah Cats?
  • Phase 2 is something implemented by responsible savannah breeders who care if their F1 savannah will be pet quality or a complete nightmare for their new owners. It’s when the kittens are about 10-12 weeks old, we move them into our second house with a new caretaker to see how they do. Half of the litter tends to be extremely scared which results in very bad behavior that would make any new savannah owners… terrified.

  • We use our techniques to get them used to a second owner just as they were in their first. When they get over their fear of being in a new home without their siblings and original caretaker, we then test them with someone else in their home. If they pass that test they are ready to be pets.

What’s the difference between a F1 Savannah and a F2 Savannah?

Image highlighting What’s the difference between a F1 Savannah Cat and a F2 Savannah?
  • The traits that make up a Savannah cat are the traits that make up a African Serval. They are very bonded , loving , affectionate , extremely intelligent to the point some one said psychic. They can be trained with commands , walk on a leash , swim, and jump 12 feet in the air. The African serval can weigh up to 50 lbs and be up to 5 feet tall on its hind legs.

  • All these traits are more likely to be inherited in the first generation Savannah cat then the second. High percent Savannah Cats or HP F1 Savannah Cats nearly mirror the African serval . If you are look for the biggest Savannah Cats make sure to mention to your breeder. We breed giant Savannah Cats often.

What’s the difference aesthetically between F1 , F2 and lower generation savannah kittens?

Image of what is the difference aesthetically between F1 , F2 and lower generation savannah kittens?

A beautiful, golden-colored* coat, with random dark spots, exotic looks and outgoing personality.

A golden F2 Savannah cat was used in this presentation. *There are additional colors. Black. silver-spotted and smoke-spotted

Besides for the qualities I just spoke about, the higher generation the savannah the more wild in appearance, the clearer of a coat that more resembles that of a serval, the bigger ears, overall size weight and height. 

What kind of diet do African F1 Savannah cats eat?

Diet Highlight of Savannah Cats

Note: Bones should be finely grinded before being fed to kittens.

Bone Dietary information for Savannah Cats

F1s require a raw diet mostly containing raw chicken and some raw ground beef. They need a high taurine supplement & fish oil. We recommend a supplement by lexelium. Chicken liver, chicken hearts and chicken necks are good raw options. VivaRaw makes a good frozen blend high in vitamins & crushed bones that an be delivered to your door.


  • The attraction to the African Savannah cat breed comes from their dog like personality and beautiful exotic aesthetic. They are highly intelligent and can be taught tricks just as a dog, and the word “NO”. Savannah cats can be walked on a harness. All while still retaining the independence of a cat, as adults they are not as reliant on their owners, especially in pairs.

  • First generation savannahs can grow up to 40 lbs and 4 feet tall on their hind legs. 

  • If raised right F1 Savannah cats love to follow their human around, and lay in bed with their owner. They are cuddle bugs and vocal. Often times they love to swim if introduced at a young age. They are extremely affectionate, and have huge paws that they can pull inward to give incredible hugs. They will follow you in the shower and in the tub. All our exotic savannah cats and kittens are raised in home (in bed lol) with access to a outdoor enclosed area. They love to sunbathe and play fetch. They love to give “headbutts” , kisses and licks as a sign of their love. Savannah cats have a way of completely imprinting on their new human in the first few days. 

How do you raise them?  Do Savannah cats do well with dogs? 

How do you raise them? Do Savannah cats do well with dogs

How do you raise them?  Do Savannah cats do well with dogs? 
We breed our f1 savannah kittens in Miami , Florida. We offer nationwide   delivery of our savannah cats and to CanaDA.
  • All our savannah kittens are raised n our homes by our staff of over 20 caretakers and dogs. We do not cage our breeding animals their entire lives. We have regular swim days and walking trails with our bigger cats. Savannah cats can love dogs as if they were one of their own.

  • All our kittens are raised n our homes by our staff of over 20 caretakers. We do not cage our breeding animals their entire lives. We have regular swim days and walking trails with our bigger cats.

We have been exotic African savannah cat breeders in Los Angeles ,California for over 8 years.
We breed our f1 savannah kittens in Miami , Florida. We offer nationwide delivery of our savannah cats and to CanaDA.


What does F1 Savannah Kittens stand for ?

We are against all unethical breeders. Breeders that use these cats as a cash grab. That put them in tiny cages and never allow them a fulfilling life. We are against the savannah cat cult culture as we describe it. The unfortunate truth about savannah cats is 90% of the websites are complete scams. Of the 10% of real breeders only 2% are decent humans.As nice as they may sound, we have seen how they treat every deal as a contract. They sell kittens that haven’t passed phase 2 and unfortunately due to the stress and unprepared owners - these kittens never truly become pets. They leave the kittens in the cage with the mom and don’t properly raise them with enough love to live up to breed standards. 

They leave the kittens in the cage with the mom and don’t properly raise them with enough love to live up to breed standards. 

What does F1 Savannah Kittens stand for ?

They sell kittens that haven’t passed phase 2 and unfortunately due to the stress and unprepared owners - these kittens never truly become pets.

How do you know if you F1 savannah kitten is going to be big?

Theres no way of knowing 100% how big your savannah cat is going to be. However if you specifically inquire with us on our giant savannah cat litters we can give you a very good educated guess on how big we believe your F1 savannah kitten will be as a adult.

In reality, it is virtually impossible for a breeder to know how big a Savannah Kitten will get.

African serval wild blood

Average Height : 16.5” Inches

Average Weight : 23 Pounds

Domestic cat breed

In reality, it is virtually impossible for a breeder to know how big a Savannah Kitten will get.

Height : 9” - 14” Inches

Weight : 12 - 16 Ibs

Height : 9” - 12” Inches

Weight : 7 - 12 Ibs

African Savannah cat F1

F1s and F2s will be larger than generation serval and other domestic cats.

Why not just own a serval as a pet

  • While servals can be awesome pets if bred and raised correctly, they are unfortunately illegal in most states to keep as a pet, while F1 Savannah are legal in most states.

  • Moreover they are very timid when it comes to strangers, and they are sometimes hard to keep without an outdoor big enclosure as well. The males are extremely sometimes huge up to 50lbs.

  • So if you live in a legal state prepare to be there for the next 15 years, and hope you have someone willing to feed a hissing 50 lb scary cat while you’re away. They also sometimes spray on your things when kept in the house. Other than that, they are amazing animals with true powerful energy.  

Why not just own a serval as a pet? 

What is an ethical breeder?

Good breeders don’t need a deposit if they chose you for the home for their kitten, the waiting list for real F1s is very long.

What is an ethical breeder?

Good breeders don’t need a deposit if they chose you for the home for their kitten, the waiting list for real F1s is very long.

How do I choose the right kitten?

How do I choose the right kitten? Image
  • Truth is , you’ll never really know how first generation savannahs will turn out. They grow for 3 years. Some of our smallest kittens have ended up bigger than our biggest. Some of our more serval colored coated kittens have turned out a different color entirely. Some of our more cat like kitten faces really developed into faces that resemble a serval. As breeders we can only give you our best educated guess. What you want to look for more than anything in a F1 is personality.

  • The best part of your new family member will never be the size, color or facial features.

  • F1 savannahs have a special ability to imprint, they have a psychic connection to you that will forever impact your life positively.

  • It is true that some F1s have anxiety issues, we pride ourselves on never giving a kitten with these issues out until rehabilitated ; even if it means a “profit loss” for selling a older kitten. 

Traits of Savannah Cats

What is a high percent F1 savannah cat or Savannah HP?

Savannah HP or High percent F1 savannahs are the most expensive cat and rarest form of breeding for two major reasons. They are bred from a F1 savannah mom and African Serval father. They require constant attention and holding when young to really shape them into very sweet loving pets. We risk a higher chance of the cat having the negative personality traits of a serval. We also risk the cat looking to much like a serval to the point that we cannot release the cat as a F1. That is why the 75% F1 savannah kittens that mirror the closest to the African serval are the most expensive and largest cat in the world.

They are bred from a F1/F2 Savannah mother and an African Serval papa, & require continuous attention and dealing with when young to ensure they develop into pleasant, loving family pets.

What is a high percent F1 savannah cat or Savannah HP? image

High percent F1 Savannah pet cats are taken into consideration one of the most costly as well as rarest kind of reproducing for 2 major factors

F1 Savannah Cats - Frequently Asked Questions

F1 Savannah Kittens: Your Essential Questions Answered

  • Yes, F1 Savannahs are relatively rare. They're specifically bred from a serval and a domestic cat, which limits their availability. Additionally, they tend to have a wider range of possible personality traits, making careful breeding practices even more important.

  • It is extremely common for F1 Savannah cats to only have 1 or 2 kittens per litter.

  • Absolutely! Savannahs are famously affectionate and adore cuddle sessions with their favorite humans.

  • F1 Savannah cats can make wonderful companions, but they're definitely not the right fit for every household. They crave lots of attention and require dedicated owners. Some F1s can experience anxiety, so we carefully screen potential families to ensure the best possible match.


    Extremely affectionate

    Highly intelligent

    Can be trained with commands

    Easy to leash train

    Loves to swim

    Plays fetch


    Requires a lot of attention

    May have anxiety issues

    Can be difficult to predict temperament

    May not be good with children

    Requires a special diet

    Needs a large space to live

    May not be legal to own in your state

  • As F1 Savannah cat breeders, we understand these extraordinary cats are a significant investment. At our cattery, you can expect to pay between $15,000 and $20,000 for one of our F1 kittens. Prices may vary slightly depending on the kitten's individual qualities and markings.

  • F1 Savannah cats are legal to own in most US states. However, it's always wise to double-check your local and state regulations for any specific restrictions before bringing one of our beautiful kittens home.

  • While it's true that F1s can be more challenging than some domestic breeds, that doesn't automatically mean they're aggressive. Responsible breeders like us prioritize screening kittens to minimize any aggressive tendencies. We believe a well-socialized F1 from a reputable cattery can thrive in the right home.

    Things to consider if you're interested in an F1 Savannah:

    Super affectionate, highly intelligent, can be trained with commands, often comfortable on a leash, love swimming, enjoy playing fetch.

    Need lots of attention, may have anxiety issues, less predictable temperaments possible, might not be great with small children, require special diets, need lots of space, could have legal restrictions in your area.

  • F1 stands for "first generation." An F1 Savannah has a serval as one parent and a domestic cat as the other. These cats are typically large, incredibly smart, and can have a wider range of potential temperaments.

    We hope this helps answer some of your questions about F1 Savannah cats! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you'd like to learn more.

  • Research TICA (The International Cat Association) registered breeders specializing in Savannah cats. Look for reviews, experience, and a focus on ethical breeding.

  • Savannah cat prices vary based on generation (F1, F2, etc.) and markings:

    F1 Savannahs: (Closest to the serval ancestor): $15,000 - $20,000

    F2 Savannahs: $5,000 - $10,000

    Lower generations (F3+): Prices decrease further with each generation.

    Factors influencing price: Reputation of the breeder, kitten's appearance, and individual qualities.

Proud Member of TICA

F1 Savannah Cats Member of TICA

The Savannah cat is the largest of the cat breeds. A Savannah cat is a cross between a domestic cat and a serval, a medium-sized, large-eared wild African cat. The unusual cross became popular among breeders at the end of the 1990s, and in 2001 The International Cat Association (TICA) accepted it as a new registered breed. In May 2012, TICA accepted it as a championship breed.Judee Frank crossbred a male serval, belonging to Suzi Woods, with a Siamese (domestic cat) to produce the first Savannah cat (named Savannah) on April 7, 1986.[4] In 1996, Patrick Kelley and Joyce Sroufe wrote the original version of the Savannah breed standard and presented it to the board of The International Cat Association. In 2001, the board accepted the breed for registration. The Savannah cat can come in different colors and patterns, however, The International Cat Association (TICA) breed standards only accept spotted patterns with certain colors and color combinations.

Nationwide delivery of savannah cats available in Alabama , Alaska , Arizona , Arkansas ,California , colorado, Connecticut ,Delaware ,Florida ,Georgia , Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa , Kansas , Kentucky ,Louisiana, Maine, Maryland,Massachusetts , Michigan , Minnesota , Mississippi , Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah,Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

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  • Savannah Cats and Kittens in Florida.

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